Our children are cared for by five mamas on an enclosed compound in Dar Es Salaam. This compound features a dormitory building, a kitchen, offices and infirmary, as well as various agricultural projects and a water well. As our children grow in number and age, so does our need to expand housing. Read more about our capital campaign here.
Every child is provided with education opportunities suited their needs and ambitions. Any of our children with special education needs are accommodated at a local school. Some of our older children attend boarding or military schools and our younger children receive a christian education at a local Anglican primary school.
Our children are all provided with routine individualized medical care adapted to their needs. Our water well provides clean and safe drinking water on site. The compound is surrounded by walls and has a security guard posted at the gate. The health and safety of our children is paramount.
Our compound has varying agricultural projects from fruit and vegetable plots to goats and chickens. Any interested children are encouraged to participate in our agricultural and sustainability endeavors. Some have found their passion for farming at the home and are pursuing that career path with enthusiasm.

Mission is Give for People

Some People Need Help And We Give It!

Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detrax culis ex, nihis in mei. Mei an periculaeuripidis.

There’s an old African proverb that says “it takes a village to raise a child.” Our Mother used this adage often when referring to Grace and I even before anyone in our family had stepped foot on the continent of Africa. We were so blessed to grow up with so many wonderful “villagers;” mentors, nannies, Godparents, teachers, friends.

Here at the Valentine Project we believe in the power of the village; that God uses the many to raise up the under-represented, under-loved, and under-served. Simply put, we believe the more, the merrier; more people with passion means more love lavished on children who so deserve it. When you become a part of the Valentine Project through giving, praying, caring, volunteering or missions, you are a part of the  village. We believe these children are ours but when you reach out,  they are yours too. The Bible says that pure religion, undefiled before  God is to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction. It is our duty and our privilege to make these hearts our own kin. Thank you for helping us raise our collective kids.

Welcome to the village!

– Sarah Cunningham